Monday, December 7, 2009

Clumsy Does Not Begin To Describe Me.

I know that people think they are clumsy people. That they have done some really dumb things. Usually the best thing that can come out of a clumsy episode is a good story. I on the other hand, have clumsy stories that could happen to anyone but ALWAYS happen to me. I chipped my front tooth yesterday. This is the same tooth a few years ago that I crushed in half with my tennis racket. Ok, I know you are wondering how does one crush a FRONT tooth with a tennis racket.

The day was overcast. No rain, just clouds. My ex husband and I decided on a nice game of tennis for the afternoon. He lobs a serve my way. It was pretty high up. I look up and reach with my racket.....and the glare from the sun simultaneously blinds me. In reaction to the blinding sun was to cover my eyes. That is when the racket came crashing into my tooth, that crumbled into a million little pieces. I have never played tennis again. This was six months before my wedding. The Dentist did fix up my tooth so I was presentable again in public - not pretty, presentable.

That was until yesterday when I took my plastic mug and went to take a sip of water. For some reason I hit my front tooth just right to have the fake part of my tooth fall out. So now I am back to rocking the hill billy tooth look.

*Update! Went to the dentist. Found out my insurance gets a heck of a discount on veneers. Looks like I am getting four of my front teeth done. I have been wanting this done for years. I guess my bad luck has turned into GOOD! I am actually getting the smile that I have always wanted at price of fixing one of my teeth. Maybe being clumsy is a good thing. I did not get a great story out of it but boy did I get a happy ending!!!

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