Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Daddy Issues Here!

I have only one online profile open at the moment and that is because I paid for it and it runs out very soon. I am not sure what it is about my pictures or my profile that scream either I have daddy issues or I want some young boy for whom I cannot carry on a conversation. Either way - it is disturbing. I am not interested in being a kept woman nor teach a young buck the way life is. Really - are there no good guys out there anymore?? Yikes - it really is beginning to look that way.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

To Online Date Or Not To Online Date.........

I am not having any luck people. I feel like I am either on the wrong sites or there are just seriously some slim pickings out there. I have my profile on two sites and removed one already and waiting for the other to expire. I am not going to renew for a while. This may mean less freaky weird boy stories but somehow I doubt it.

The next couple months I am going to get my teeth put back in (God, I never thought I would have ever uttered such a sentence before 90!!!!). I am well on my way to a very healthy diet. Without front teeth you are limited as to what you can eat - so I decided to make it all healthy stuff. It was not a fun switch and now when I eat junk food I want to die. Staying on this wave of semi positive momentum. I am going to get back into - dare I say - running. There was a period in my life that I loved to run and I ran everyday. That feels like a million years ago. So the next couple months are going to be dedicated to my teeth (again, really who says this??) and my health. I will definitely be getting back into yoga since tripping and falling have been such an issue lately. We shall see what kind of adventures it all brings to me.

For those who are reading this for the freaky boy/people stories....fear not. I attract those interactions like flies to poop.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sleeping Single In A Double Bed........

As I woke this morning sprawled out on my king size bed....I was reminded of the Barbara Mandrell song..."Sleeping Single In A Double Bed." You might remember this gem . I unlike Barbara do not mind sleeping single in my king size bed. Really I was thinking - how on earth could I ever sleep with another person in this bed. I tend to sleep at a diagonal and mainly in the middle. I noticed that I sleep in the middle so I can move from side to side through out the night. I love that. I love being able to utilize the entire bed for my sleeping comfort. Unlike Barbara - I am not upset about my singularity. It does concern me at 5' 5" that I can take up an entire king size bed....but such is the life of my singledom.

Monday, January 25, 2010

God Hates My Teeth

It is the only explanation there is out there. I was just picking things up around my apartment when my ankle gave out.....I then contort my face in such a way that one of the brand new veneers I had put in last month......shattered into a million pieces. It also caused the one next to it to pop off. Of course all this damaged the third and final veneer. This was Thursday night - have I mentioned that my dentist is closed on Friday? Luckily for me they made an exception and were able to get some temps put on.

Not thinking anything worse could happen, I go to dinner with friends. After dinner we hang a local bar. I am starting to have a really good time. We decided to head over to a friend's house and hang out there. We get there and they have this precious medium sized dog. Very affectionate and playful. While playing with the dog the dog snaps her head back....right into my nose. Crunch. Yep folks - broken nose. I had had enough to drink so I pushed it back into place. Needless to say, I can actually breath better than before the nose for me this little accident actually worked out in my favor.

Just do not understand why God hate's my teeth......wish the two of them could just get a long.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Learn Some Communication Skills and Proof Read

It is amazing to me what guys will send to me on these online dating websites. In my profile I state that I am looking for someone professional. I even checked the check box for what type of education I would like my date to have. Most guys totally never read that or think for some reason they have a chance in hell with me.

A guy just sent me an email saying he would like to talk to me. Even though his email is not enticing what so ever....I usually will look at the profile, if nothing else to get a good laugh. And boy I tell you this one did not disappoint. He wrote and I quote:


I am not 100% sure I know what hicking is but I think it might be bad for my health. I really do not need to point out what else is wrong with this sentence. To top it all off - his email subject line was "LOOKING 4 HOPE". I HOPE you find someone dude, it just is not me.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Falling For A Guy Is Tricky

Last month during the turmoil of my tooth debacle I went on an epically bad date. I thought that I had screened this guy a fair amount before going to dinner with him. I knew he was going to be a nerdy dude....which I am fine with.....truth be told. I like men a little on the geeky side. What I knew about him is that he was a programmer.....I immediately thought he probably plays video games....which I am fine with since I like to play my wii every now and then. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

What I knew before the date was that he was a programmer. Worked mainly out of the house. That we had common tastes in movies and music. We bantered back and forth in emails and it seemed like very good conversation. He kept stressing to me how he likes to work out and by the pictures I have seen, he indeed does. What I will find out is......people are liars....big fat lairs.

I get to the date and walk right into him. He has put on a significant amount of weight since his picture was taken for the website. And he is wearing this long scarf and sheriffs badge. If I did not walk directly into him, I would have turned around and left. When he saw me he made this odd noise similar to this clip where Bill Hader says "Oh, my" or "Oh, no" I had to choke back the baby vomit in my mouth.

During dinner the conversation was good. We talked about the things we had in common but then the conversation took a turn for the worst.....he started talking about Dr. Who. This is where it all goes from bad to really bad. I ordered more wine. He then tells me about his obsession with Dr. Who and how he dresses like Dr. Who with his scarf everyday. He then explains in painful detail what Dr. Who is all about. At this point I cannot get enough wine in my mouth at one time. To make matters worse.....he then starts talking about his other favorite obesssion - the band......KISS! I again order another wine.

After dinner I give him a peck and tell him good night. He wants to know right there if we can do this again. I do what any polite girl would do in this awkward situation....I lied and said yes.

After the date I go to this local bar on my way home. I need a beer, a cigarette and time to get the Ick of the date off me. I sit down to this guy who I already feel bad for because I am there to bitch. End up sitting down to this other very intelligent, charming, funny, sarcastic, fellow bulldog that listens and makes fun of my date with me. After about an hour I really look at this guy. He is so attractive. I realize that he was the type of person I was hoping I would be going on a date with. How did I just run into him at this bar that I go to all the time?

The next day the bar guy and I exchange emails and continue to pick on my Dr. Who date. We have hung out a few times since. And I truly like him. However, just like the movies "he is not that into me....." It is hard pill to swallow when it feels like we have a good connection. But one I have to swallow. I guess I will always be a friend he met at the bar. At least I have hope now....that there is someone who I will have a great connection with. That will think my quirks are funny as I find his. Hope is better than disappointment any day.