Thursday, January 28, 2010

To Online Date Or Not To Online Date.........

I am not having any luck people. I feel like I am either on the wrong sites or there are just seriously some slim pickings out there. I have my profile on two sites and removed one already and waiting for the other to expire. I am not going to renew for a while. This may mean less freaky weird boy stories but somehow I doubt it.

The next couple months I am going to get my teeth put back in (God, I never thought I would have ever uttered such a sentence before 90!!!!). I am well on my way to a very healthy diet. Without front teeth you are limited as to what you can eat - so I decided to make it all healthy stuff. It was not a fun switch and now when I eat junk food I want to die. Staying on this wave of semi positive momentum. I am going to get back into - dare I say - running. There was a period in my life that I loved to run and I ran everyday. That feels like a million years ago. So the next couple months are going to be dedicated to my teeth (again, really who says this??) and my health. I will definitely be getting back into yoga since tripping and falling have been such an issue lately. We shall see what kind of adventures it all brings to me.

For those who are reading this for the freaky boy/people stories....fear not. I attract those interactions like flies to poop.

1 comment:

  1. Remember me? I'm the terminally single one who is now 65 days from wedded bliss. I can actually say that, too!
    What I learned is that if you work on being the best YOU that you can be it's going to 1) make you happier, 2) make you more interesting to people and 3) make you more attractive.
    I went into a couple years of counseling after you went back to GA because I realized I had emotional issues I needed help dealing with. I also worked on getting myself healthier. I had a friend at church who I'd go out with as friends and I was beginning to wonder if the possibility of more was there. Thank goodness THAT never went anywhere. Out of the blue, one of my dear friends decided it was time for me to meet her brother and that changed the course of my life. Jeff isn't perfect and he's not the one I would have pictured me sharing the rest of my life with, but he's the right man for me and I don't ever want to be without him.
    Hang in there, sweetheart, and do what you need to do to make you whole emotionally, spiritually and physically. When you least expect it... WHAM, it smacks you right up side your head.
    Love you bunches!
